Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Top Ten Characters Who Remind Me Of Myself Or Someone I Know In Real Life

Top Ten Tuesday is an awesome meme hosted by the amazing people over at The Broke and the Bookish. Because that last sentence wouldn’t be as exciting without those two ‘a’ adjectives. Nope.
 Ok, this could be easy and hard at the same time…
1) Mr. Darcy. Yes. I know someone who reminds me of Mr. Darcy, as in Pride and Prejudice Mr. Darcy. Stiff, cold, unfriendly to the extreme, the whole nine yards. Except I seriously doubt I’ll be gettin’ hitched with this dude. *thoughtful moment* Yet that was what Elizabeth thought, too…no, no, no. No. Just no.
2) Maya Davis (from the Maya Davis series by Erynn Mangum). Since I’ve been reading this series recently, I’ve noticed that someone I know is very similar to her. She has Maya’s excited energy, her humor, her joy, and her personality. I look up to this person and absolutely love her contagious joy. Makes me smile every time I pick up one of the books in the series.
3) Angel from the Maximum Ride series. I know this is clique, but Angel reminds me of my little sister. I know what you’re thinking- “yeah, Shelby, Angel reminds every one of their little sister.” Well, ok. But she does. Minus the mind-reading stuff, of course.
4) Meg March and Beth March from Little Women. Sometimes I feel a little like Meg March in that I’m the oldest in my family and have a lot of responsibility, and sometimes I feel like Beth March in that I share the same personality as she has. Quiet, reserved, bookish. I don’t consider myself weak or sickly, though, so don’t go getting any ideas. *wink*
Well, that’s all I can think of right now. I honestly don’t share some of the deep conflicts a lot of fictional characters do; my past isn’t haunted by a deranged mother, I don’t have a grudge against a traitorous father, and I don’t have to decide between two hot guys (that wasn’t a Twilight reference, I promise!). Anyway, hope you enjoyed this Top Ten Tuesday.
Who’s your fictional character doppelganger? Do you know anyone who seems like they jumped out of a book you’ve read? Match yourself and your friends up in the comments section. I can’t wait to hear what fiction character you think you’re like!


  1. Cool list. Check out my TTT. New to your blog by the way.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  2. Haha, you never know, there could be a big softie underneath the Mr. Darcy-esque exterior!

    Great list! It may be only four, but you did them all so thoroughly! (:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. Sara- Hahaha! Thanks for stopping by and saying hi! =)


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